
On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 6:26 PM Laxmikant Upadhyay <laxmikant....@gmail.com>

> Thanks you so much  for quick response. I completely agree with Jeff and
> Gabor that it is an anti-pattern to build queue in Cassandra. But plan is
> to reuse the existing Cassandra infrastructure without any additional cost
> (like kafka).
> So even if the data is partioned properly (max 10mb per date ) ..so still
> it will be an issue if I read the partition only once a day ? Even with
> update status and don't delete the row?

Both options generate unnecessary records, there is no big difference
between them. But, if the load isn't too high - so, 10 MByte per day isn't
too much, it doesn't matter.

I also have a lot of little tables (oh, column families), that wouldn't be
in Cassandra, but since they have a very minimal load, I don't give a
shit... :)

Auth Gábor (https://iotguru.cloud)

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