> it's not the same, notice I wrote r6gd, these are the ones with nvme, i'm
> looking just at those.

I'm aware. I did use r6gd.2xlarge in my example. :)

> I do not need all the space that i3en gives me (and probably won't be able
> to use it all due to memory usage, or have other issues just like you
> mention), so the plan is use the big enough r6gd nodes, such as
> r6gd.8xlarge, it has 1.9tb nvme, it should good enough for my needs

I feel like we have a disconnect here. :) You won't get value from the
r6gd.8xlarge. You're paying for 32 cores + 256GB RAM which are mostly
unusable to you unless you have a configuration where Spark is co-located
with C* on the servers. It's the equivalent of using a truck to transport 2
boxes when a car will suffice.

>From a dollar perspective, you're opting to pay $10,714/yr for
a r6gd.8xlarge (I arbitrarily picked a standard 1-year term in West coast)
versus $3839/year for an i3.2xlarge just because you want Arm but will end
up using just a quarter (maybe half if I'm generous) of the compute power.
It doesn't stack up for me. But YMMV. :)

> (I would also add that a big chunk of the data that is not read that
> frequently, so I might be ok with putting a specific set of tables on EBS)

Interestingly, how do you plan to configure that? Unless I'm mistaken, C*
doesn't support tiered storage. Cheers!

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