Thank you Bowen - I wasn't familiar with PT1M.
I'm doing the following:

update doc.seq set doccount=doccount+? where id=?
Which runs OK.
Immediately following the update, I do:
select doccount from doc.seq where id=?
It is the above statement that is throwing the error under heavy load.

The select also frequently fails with a "No node was available to execute the query".  I wait 50mSec and retry and that typically works.  Sometimes it will retry as many as 15 times before getting a response, but this PT1M error is new.

Running: nodetool cfstats doc.seq results in:

Total number of tables: 80
Keyspace : doc
        Read Count: 57965255
        Read Latency: 0.3294544486347899 ms
        Write Count: 384658145
        Write Latency: 0.1954830251859089 ms
        Pending Flushes: 0
                Table: seq
                SSTable count: 9
                Space used (live): 48344
                Space used (total): 48344
                Space used by snapshots (total): 0
                Off heap memory used (total): 376
                SSTable Compression Ratio: 0.6227272727272727
                Number of partitions (estimate): 35
                Memtable cell count: 6517
                Memtable data size: 264
                Memtable off heap memory used: 0
                Memtable switch count: 154
                Local read count: 12900131
                Local read latency: NaN ms
                Local write count: 15981389
                Local write latency: NaN ms
                Pending flushes: 0
                Percent repaired: 10.69
                Bloom filter false positives: 0
                Bloom filter false ratio: 0.00000
                Bloom filter space used: 168
                Bloom filter off heap memory used: 96
                Index summary off heap memory used: 168
                Compression metadata off heap memory used: 112
                Compacted partition minimum bytes: 125
                Compacted partition maximum bytes: 149
                Compacted partition mean bytes: 149
                Average live cells per slice (last five minutes): NaN                 Maximum live cells per slice (last five minutes): 0                 Average tombstones per slice (last five minutes): NaN                 Maximum tombstones per slice (last five minutes): 0
                Dropped Mutations: 0


On 4/13/2021 12:35 PM, Bowen Song wrote:

The error message is clear, it was a DriverTimeoutException, and it was because the query timed out after one minute.

/Note: "PT1M" means a period of one minute, see // <>/

If you need help from us to find out why did it happen, you will need to share a bit more information with us, such as the CQL query and the table definition.

On 13/04/2021 16:53, Joe Obernberger wrote:
I'm getting this error:
com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.DriverTimeoutException: Query timed out after PT1M

but I can't find any documentation on this message.  Anyone know what this means?  I'm updating a counter value and then doing a select from the table.  The table that I'm selecting from is very small <100 rows.

Thank you!


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