we ran into a problem with single tickmarks in Struts-user with JSON parse 
method..to wit;
var json_parse = (function () {
    "use strict";

// This is a function that can parse a JSON text, producing a JavaScript
// data structure. It is a simple, recursive descent parser. It does not use
// eval or regular expressions, so it can be used as a model for implementing
// a JSON parser in other languages.

// We are defining the function inside of another function to avoid creating
// global variables.

    var at,     // The index of the current character
        ch,     // The current character
        escapee = {
            '"':  '"',
            '\\': '\\',
            '/':  '/',
            b:    '\b',
            f:    '\f',
            n:    '\n',
            r:    '\r',
            t:    '\t'

        error = function (m) {

notice that the code gleefully ignores tickmarks so we need to rewrite..

can someone poke the bear and get crockford to do this or should we enlist Mr 

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> Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 09:32:10 +0200
> From: ebo...@apache.org
> To: user@commons.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [LANG] How to escape JSON data
> Le 11/04/2013 00:26, Daniel Pitts a écrit :
> > Well, I'd be inclined to use the library written by the same people who
> > maintain the spec: http://www.json.org/java/index.html
> If I'm not mistaken the "shall be used for Good, not Evil" clause is a
> field of use restriction, that's not an open source license.
> http://debian.2.n7.nabble.com/The-Software-shall-be-used-for-Good-not-Evil-td1953402.html
> Emmanuel Bourg

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