Hi there,

I tried to use the following, expecting "...ick brown fox paid $20.00
to jump over the la…":

    // In org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrSubstitutorTest.java locally
    // after cloning https://github.com/woonsan/commons-lang.
    public void testReplaceEscapingDollarSign() {
        values.put("amount", "20.00");
        doTestReplace("The quick brown fox paid $20.00 to jump over
the lazy dog.",
                      "The ${animal} paid $$${amount} to jump over the
${target}.", true);

(I put double dollar signs like $$${amount} because $ is the default
escape character.)

But, the result was:"...ick brown fox paid $${amount} to jump over the la…".

Is it a bug or did I miss something?



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