On 11 Sep 2009, at 19:58, Paul Davis wrote:

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Zachary Zolton
<zachary.zol...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm testing out using Varnish for my application, and so far most
everything "just works" with CouchDB. The only real problem I have is
that I'm using (probably abusing!) the multi-doc fetch feature, which
results in a POST request that Varnish isn't gonna cache.

(As an aside, I'm likely not properly de-normalizing my data—since I'm using the multi-doc fetch much like one would use SQL joins. I do plan
some big refactoring...!)

Two potential solutions I thought of:

1) Cache POST requests in my Varnish config—this sounds like a can of
worms though, since POSTs can also be used for creating documents (not
to mention all the VCL-fu required)

2) Add a GET multi-doc fetch feature to CouchDB—however, I'm guessing
there's a good reason why we don't already have this, right?  (^_-)

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this situation
or has any ideas.




The original motivation for not using GET was basically:

1. URL lengths are limited
2. GET's with bodies aren't consistently supported
3. POST!

Its been often requested to allow for a GET url parameter to multi-key
fetch, even in the face of the length limitations. If you *really
really* want it, then patches welcome, if you only *really* want it,
then you could make sure that there's a ticket open and then throw
things at me till it gets done.

Also, this shouldn't be too difficult of a patch. I'm thinking along
the lines of just adding a multi=[key1, key2, key3...] parameter. Or
perhaps fetch=key&fetch=key&fetch=key. But the code all stays pretty
shallow. It'd just be hooking that up and passing it to the function
in place of the value that normally gets grabbed form the body.

We could also start supporting GET bodies :)

Moving to d...@.


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