> On 06 May 2015, at 18:18, Alexander Shorin <kxe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 6:49 PM, Giovanni Lenzi <g.le...@smileupps.com> wrote:
>> What you all think about it?
> I think we need just clarify what CouchApp is, define it's show cases
> and area where they are works perfectly.
> First step is to back couchapp.org online (almost done). Then, just
> fill it the right content. That will solve any confusions.

Before we fix anything, we need to understand how to fix it. To understand
how to fix it we need to understand what we do. To understand what we do,
we need to understand why we do it. — Hence, we first need to find a “The
Why of CouchDB” story that reflects our intentions before any of the other
decisions can happen. That’s what my original message is about.

> I'm -1 for removal CouchApps as a since it's not possible as CouchApps
> are not a some entity, but a way of organizing design documents in
> order to solve some specific problem.

The problem is, as outlined in my emails on marketing@ that I linked earlier
that “CouchApp” means at least eight different things to different groups of
people. That is terribly confusing and makes people new to CouchDB leave us
in spades because it is just too complicated.

I never meant for the actual technical features in CouchDB to be removed and
I never said so.

> We just need to find a sweet spot, a right vector for their future since as
> for now I feel CouchApp as a technology is just lost in space.

Exactly, and its harming CouchDB.

To get this rolling, we need to understand what we do and why we do it. Then
we can decide if and how “CouchApp” in whatever form fits into this.


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