I'm trying to dredge the details from the depths of my memory. There were
some replication problems with mime attachments, but I thought the patches
went in before CouchDB 1.6, in which case there should not be any problems
syncing with 2.0. I will check this evening and report back.


On Fri, 13 Jan 2017 at 08:35 Dave Cottlehuber <d...@skunkwerks.at> wrote:

> On Sun, 1 Jan 2017, at 14:36, Vishesh Mittal wrote:
> > I am syncing all my databases from CouchDB 1.6 server to a CouchDB 2.0
> > server.
> >
> > Most of the databases sync correctly. However, some of them are not
> > syncing. The log file shows the following error. Any clue?
> >
> > Thank you so much
> >
> >
> >
> > [error] 2017-01-01T13:27:46.123435Z couchdb@localhost emulator --------
> > Error in process <0.24284.71> on node couchdb@localhost with exit value:
> >
> {{nocatch,{mp_parser_died,noproc}},[{couch_att,'-foldl/4-fun-0-',3,[{file,"src/couch_att.erl"},{line,591}]},{couch_att,fold_streamed_data,4,[{file,"src/couch_att.erl"},{line,642}]},{couch_att,foldl,4,[{file,"src/couch_att.erl"},{line,595}]},{couch_httpd_multipart,atts_to_mp,4,[{file,"src/couch_httpd_multipart.erl"},{line,208}]}]}
> IIRC Nick came across something like this a few years ago, maybe he can
> shed some light on it.
> A+
> Dave

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