This looks like a bug. If you renamed the dir0 column as p_day, then you
should see that in sqlline as well. And I have never seen
before. Can you file a jira?

- Rahul

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 12:33 PM, John Omernik <> wrote:

> I have a table that is a directory of parquet files, each row had say 3
> columns, and the table is split into subdirectories that allow me to use
> dir0 partitioning.
> so if I select * from `table`
> I get col1, col2, col3, and dir0 as my fields returned.
> So if I create a view
> CREATE VIEW view_myview as
> select dir0 as `p_day`, col1, col2, col3 from `path/to/table`
> and run
> select * from view_myview
> why, in sqlline, isn't the first column named "p_day"
> I can reference things in my query by p_day, however, the returned results,
> still say dir0?
> I dir0 | col1| col2 | col3 |
> If I do select p_day, col1 then I get
> | dir0 | col1|
> if I do select p_day then I get
> | _DEFAULT_COL_TO_READ_ | dir0 |
> where the first column (DEFAULT_COL_TO_READ) is always null.
> If I do select dir0 from view I get "dir0" not found.
> I guess, the "expected" (principal of least surprise) would be to have it
> just be a column, that is always labeled p_day, and if I only select that,
> I get the dir0 value repeated for each value.
> Am I over thinking minutia again? :)

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