Thanks a lot Kunal and Andries.
It worked :)

On 8 August 2017 at 02:26, Kunal Khatua <> wrote:

> +1 to Andries' comment.
> When you start Drill in Embedded mode, you are bringing up a single
> standalone Drillbit without any Zookeeper that would otherwise allow
> discovery of other Drillbits in the cluster.
> Starting in embedded mode is done via SQLLine because in a practical
> usage, a single Drillbit doesn't accomplish much, beyond just trying out
> things (Drill or data exploration).
> Once you have that running, then if a JDBC client needs to connect to
> that, you need to tell your JDBC client where to connect. In this case,
> since there is no Zookeeper (that, typically, listens on port 2181) that
> has knowledge about your Drillbit running in embedded-mode, we need to
> explicitly tell it to connect to the Drillbit server.
> Hence, your JDBC URL needs to be
> " jdbc:drill:drillbit=<IP-of-your-Drillbit-Server>"
> Hope that helps
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andries Engelbrecht []
> Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 8:17 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Drill JDBC connection on windows in embedded node
> Try jdbc:drill:drillbit=localhost
> Since embedded mode doesn’t use ZK you need to connect directly to the
> drillbit itself.
> --Andries
> On 8/6/17, 7:37 PM, "Divya Gehlot" <> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I followed the this link
>     <>
> to
>     connect to drill in JDBC mode .
>     *Have installed drill 1.11 on windows 10 in embedded mode .*
>     Configurations which I used :
>     *JDBC Driver* :
>     apache-drill-1.11.0.tar\apache-drill-1.11.0\jars\jdbc-
> driver\drill-jdbc-all-1.11.0.jar
>     JDBC URL options which I tried :
>     *Option1 :* jdbc:drill:zk=localhost:2181/drill/drillbits1
>     *Option 2* :   jdbc:drill:zk=localhost:2181
>     *Option 3 *: jdbc:drill:zk=<hostname>:2181
>     I am getting below error with all the  the options
>     *ERROR* :
>     Unexpected Error occurred attempting to open an SQL connection.
>     class Failure to connect to the zookeeper cluster
>     service within the allotted time of 10000 milliseconds
>     Appreciate the help .
>     Thanks ,
>     Divya

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