Hi Max,

> On May 2, 2016, at 4:43am, Maximilian Michels <m...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> When you're running Yarn, the Flink configuration is created once and
> shared among all nodes (JobManager and TaskManagers). Please have a
> look at the JobManager tab on the web interface. It shows you the
> configuration.

I’ve seen that, but the values displayed don’t match what I’m setting, or what 
I see in the logs.

I’m running a job using ./bin/flink run, with parameters:

-ytm 20000 \
-yjm 2048 \
-ys 4 \
-p 10 \
-yD taskmanager.network.numberOfBuffers=3000 \
-yD taskmanager.memory.off-heap=true

Here’s a screenshot from the JobManager:

If that doesn’t come through, it’s showing:

job manager.heap.mb     256
taskmanager.heap.mb     512
taskmanager.memory.off-heap     true
taskmanager.network.numberOfBuffers     3000
taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots   1

So numberOfBuffers seems right, same with memory.off-heap.

But taskmanager.heap.mb looks like a default value, same for numberOfTaskSlots 
and jobmanager.heap.mb

When I look at my actual job, the settings I’m seeing for number of slots (as 
an example) match what I’m specifying from the command line.

When I look at the JobManager logs, I see -Xmx1448M, which I guess is an 
approximation of the 2048 I specified.

And when I look at the TaskManager logs, the JVM settings match what I’d expect 
(for -ytm 20000, so 15GB direct, and about 5GB for the JVM).
2016-05-05 01:07:16,161 INFO  org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnTaskManagerRunner       
            -  JVM Options:
2016-05-05 01:07:16,161 INFO  org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnTaskManagerRunner       
            -     -Xms4500m
2016-05-05 01:07:16,161 INFO  org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnTaskManagerRunner       
            -     -Xmx4500m
2016-05-05 01:07:16,161 INFO  org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnTaskManagerRunner       
            -     -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=15000m
So I guess I’ve got two questions…

1. What is the meaning of the values I’m seeing in the JobManager UI.

2. How do I figure out what the TaskManager is getting for -yD 
taskmanager.tmp.dirs, as an example.


— Ken

> On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 3:18 PM, Ken Krugler
> <kkrugler_li...@transpac.com> wrote:
>> Hi Timur,
>> On Apr 28, 2016, at 10:40pm, Timur Fayruzov <timur.fairu...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> If you're talking about parameters that were set on JVM startup then `ps
>> aux|grep flink` on an EMR slave node should do the trick, that'll give you
>> the full command line.
>> No, I’m talking about values that come from flink-conf.yaml.
>> Maybe there’s no good reason to worry, but in Hadoop land you can have
>> parameters set via the conf on the client, which in turn get overridden by
>> values from conf files on the nodes, which you can then override via command
>> line parameters, which in turn can be changed by the user code.
>> Plus parameters that can be flagged as final/unmodifiable, and thus some of
>> the above actually don’t change anything.
>> So it’s a common issue where what you think you set as a value isn’t
>> actually being used, and that’s why examining the job conf that was actually
>> deployed with tasks is critical.
>> — Ken
>> On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 9:00 PM, Ken Krugler <kkrugler_li...@transpac.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I’m running jobs on EMR via YARN, and wondering how to check exactly what
>>> configuration settings are actually being used.
>>> This is mostly for the TaskManager.
>>> I know I can modify the conf/flink-conf.yaml file, and (via the CLI) I can
>>> use -yD param=value.
>>> But my experience with Hadoop makes me want to see the exact values being
>>> used, versus assuming I know what’s been set :)
>>> Thanks,
>>> — Ken
>> --------------------------
>> Ken Krugler
>> +1 530-210-6378
>> http://www.scaleunlimited.com
>> custom big data solutions & training
>> Hadoop, Cascading, Cassandra & Solr

Ken Krugler
+1 530-210-6378
custom big data solutions & training
Hadoop, Cascading, Cassandra & Solr

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