is that example input/output what you would like to achieve or what you are
currently seeing with Flink? I think for your use case a custom Trigger
would be required that works like the event-time trigger but additionally
registers timers for each element where you want to emit.


On Wed, 26 Oct 2016 at 04:04 Manu Zhang <owenzhang1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Aljoscha,
> Thanks for your response.  My use case is to track user trajectory based
> on page view event when they visit a website.  The input would be like a
> list of PageView(userId, url, eventTimestamp) with watermarks (=
> eventTimestamp - duration). I'm trying SessionWindows with some event time
> trigger. Note we can't wait for the end of session window due to latency.
> Instead, we want to emit the user trajectories whenever a buffered
> PageView's event time is passed by watermark. I tried
> ContinuousEventTimeTrigger and a custom trigger which sets timer on each
> element's timestamp. For both triggers I've witnessed a problem like the
> following (e.g. a session gap of 5)
> PageView("user1", "http://foo";, 1)
> PageView("user1", "http://foo/bar";, 2)
> Watermark(1) => emit UserTrajectory("user1", "http://foo -> *http://foo/bar
> <http://foo/bar>*", [1,6])
> PageView("user1", "http://foo/bar/foobar";, 5)
> Watermark(4) => emit UserTrajectory("user1", "http://foo -> http://foo/bar ->
> *http://foo/bar/foobar <http://foo/bar/foobar>*", [1, 10])
> The urls in bold should be included since there could be events before
> them not arrived yet.
> Thanks,
> Manu
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 1:36 AM Aljoscha Krettek <aljos...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> with some additional information we might be able to figure this out
> together. What specific combination of WindowAssigner/Trigger are you using
> for your example and what is the input stream (including watermarks)?
> Cheers,
> Aljoscha
> On Mon, 24 Oct 2016 at 06:30 Manu Zhang <owenzhang1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Say I have a window state of List(("a", 1:00), ("b", 1:03), ("c", 1:06))
> which is triggered to emit when watermark passes the timestamp of an
> element. For example,
> on watermark(1:01), List(("a", 1:00)) is emitted
> on watermark(1:04), List(("a", 1:00), ("b", 1:03)) is emitted
> on watermark(1:07), List(("a", 1:00), ("b", 1:03), ("c", 1:06)) is emitted
> It seems that if *("c", 1:06) is processed before watermark(1:04)*
> List(("a", 1:00), ("b", 1:03), ("c", 1:06)) will be emitted on
> watermark(1:04). This is incorrect since there could be elements with
> timestamp between 1:04 and 1:06 that have not arrived yet.
> I guess this is because watermark trigger doesn't check whether element's
> timestamp has been passed.
> Please correct me if any of the above is not right.
> Thanks,
> Manu Zhang

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