This thread
 describes the impetus for the addition of yarn.taskmanager.env.

I have configured a value within yarn.taskmanager.env, and I see it appearing 
in the Flink web UI in the list underneath Job Manager -> Configuration. 
However, I can't figure out how to retrieve the value from within a Flink job. 
It doesn't appear in the environment, the system properties, or my 
ParameterTool instance, and I can't figure out how I would get to it via the 
StreamExecutionEnvironment. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

All I want to do is inform my Flink jobs which environment they're running on, 
so that programmers don't have to specify the environment as a job parameter 
every time they run it. I also see that there is a "" 
configuration… does that work in YARN apps (would my jobs be able to see it?)


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