Hi Chesnay,

Since that configuration option is supposed to apply the environment variables 
to the task managers, I figured it would definitely be available within the 
stream operators. I'm not sure whether the job plan runs within a task manager 
or not, but hopefully it does?

In my particular code, I want to get the name of the environment in order to 
read the correct configuration file(s) so that properly populated config 
objects can be passed to various operators. Therefore, it would be sufficient 
for the job plan execution to have access to the environment. All the operators 
are capable of persisting any necessary configuration through serialization.

It really can work either way, but I think it'd be easiest if it was available 
everywhere. If it's only available during job planning then you have to make 
sure to serialize it everywhere you need it, and if it's only available during 
operator execution then it's less straightforward to do central configuration 
work. Either way it's lying in wait for a programmer to forget where it's 
accessible vs. not.


From: Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org<mailto:ches...@apache.org>>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 7:36 AM
To: <user@flink.apache.org<mailto:user@flink.apache.org>>
Subject: Re: How to retrieve values from yarn.taskmanager.env in a Job?


can you clarify one small thing for me: Do you want to access this parameter 
when you define the plan
(aka when you call methods on the StreamExecutionEnvironment or DataStream 
or from within your functions/operators?

Chesnay Schepler

On 12.12.2016 14:21, Till Rohrmann wrote:

Hi Shannon,

have you tried accessing the environment variables via System.getenv()? This 
should give you a map of string-string key value pairs where the key is the 
environment variable name.

If your values are not set in the returned map, then this indicates a bug in 
Flink and it would be great if you could open a JIRA issue.



On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 7:33 PM, Shannon Carey 
<sca...@expedia.com<mailto:sca...@expedia.com>> wrote:
This thread 
 describes the impetus for the addition of yarn.taskmanager.env.

I have configured a value within yarn.taskmanager.env, and I see it appearing 
in the Flink web UI in the list underneath Job Manager -> Configuration. 
However, I can't figure out how to retrieve the value from within a Flink job. 
It doesn't appear in the environment, the system properties, or my 
ParameterTool instance, and I can't figure out how I would get to it via the 
StreamExecutionEnvironment. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

All I want to do is inform my Flink jobs which environment they're running on, 
so that programmers don't have to specify the environment as a job parameter 
every time they run it. I also see that there is a "env.java.opts" 
configuration… does that work in YARN apps (would my jobs be able to see it?)


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