Dear Xingcan,

no need to apologize, we are here to help :) You are always welcome to ask
questions / make suggestions.


On 14 February 2017 at 09:35, Xingcan Cui <> wrote:

> Hi Vasia,
> sorry that I should have read the archive before (it's already been posted
> in FLINK-1526, though with an ugly format). Now everything's clear and I
> think this thread should be closed here.
> Thanks. @Vasia @Greg
> Best,
> Xingcan
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 3:55 PM, Vasiliki Kalavri <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Xingcan,
>> that's my bad, I was thinking of scatter-gather iterations in my previous
>> reply. You're right, in VertexCentricIteration a vertex is only active in
>> the next superstep if it has received at least one message in the current
>> superstep. Updating its value does not impact the activation. This is
>> intentional in the vertex-centric model.
>> I agree that the current design of the iterative models is restrictive
>> and doesn't allow for the expression of complex iterative algorithms that
>> require updating edges or defining phases. We have discussed this before,
>> e.g. in [1]. The outcome of that discussion was that we should use for-loop
>> iterations for such cases, as the closed-loop iteration operators of Flink
>> might not provide the necessary flexibility. As you will see in the thread
>> though, that proposal didn't work out, as efficiently supporting for-loops
>> in Flink is not possible right now.
>> -Vasia.
>> [1]: http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.
>> On 14 February 2017 at 08:10, Xingcan Cui <> wrote:
>>> Hi Greg,
>>> I also found that in, the message set is
>>> taken as the workset while the vertex set is taken as the delta for
>>> solution set. By doing like that, the setNewVertex method will not actually
>>> active a vertex. In other words, if no message is generated (the workset is
>>> empty) the "pact.runtime.workset-empty-aggregator" will judge
>>> convergence of the delta iteration and then the iteration just terminates.
>>> Is this a bug?
>>> Best,
>>> Xingcan
>>> On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 5:24 PM, Xingcan Cui <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Greg,
>>>> Thanks for your attention.
>>>> It takes me a little time to read the old PR on FLINK-1885. Though
>>>> the VertexCentricIteration, as well as its related classes, has been
>>>> refactored, I understand what Markus want to achieve.
>>>> I am not sure if using a bulk iteration instead of a delta one could
>>>> eliminate the "out of memory" problem.  Except for that, I think the "auto
>>>> update" has nothing to do with the bulk mode. Considering the compatible
>>>> guarantee, here is my suggestions to improve gelly's iteration API:
>>>> 1) Add an "autoHalt" flag to the ComputeFunction.
>>>> 2) If the flag is set true (default), apply the current mechanism .
>>>> 3) If the flag is set false, call out.collect() to update the vertex
>>>> value whether the setNewVertexValue() method is called or not, unless the
>>>> user explicitly call a (new added) voteToHalt() method in the
>>>> ComputeFunction.
>>>> By adding these, users can decide when to halt a vertex themselves.
>>>> What do you think?
>>>> As for the "update edge values during vertex iterations" problem, I
>>>> think it needs a redesign for the gelly framework (Maybe merge the vertices
>>>> and edges into a single data set? Or just change the iterations'
>>>>  implementation? I can't think it clearly now.), so that's it for now.
>>>> Besides, I don't think there will be someone who really would love to write
>>>> a graph algorithm with Flink native operators and that's why gelly is
>>>> designed, isn't it?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Xingcan
>>>> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 10:31 PM, Greg Hogan <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Xingcan,
>>>>> FLINK-1885 looked into adding a bulk mode to Gelly's iterative models.
>>>>> As an alternative you could implement your algorithm with Flink
>>>>> operators and a bulk iteration. Most of the Gelly library is written with
>>>>> native operators.
>>>>> Greg
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 5:02 AM, Xingcan Cui <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Vasia,
>>>>>> b) As I said, when some vertices finished their work in current
>>>>>> phase, they have nothing to do (no value updates, no message received, 
>>>>>> just
>>>>>> like slept) but to wait for other vertices that have not finished (the
>>>>>> current phase) yet. After that in the next phase, all the vertices should
>>>>>> go back to work again and if there are some vertices become inactive in
>>>>>> last phase, it could be hard to reactive them again by message since we
>>>>>> even don't know which vertices to send to. The only solution is to keep 
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> vertices active, whether by updating vertices values in each super step 
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> sending heartbeat messages to vertices themselves (which will bring a lot
>>>>>> of extra work to the MessageCombiner).
>>>>>> c) I know it's not elegant or even an awful idea to store the edge
>>>>>> info into vertex values. However, we can not change edge values or 
>>>>>> maintain
>>>>>> states (even a pick or unpick mark) in edges during a vertex-centric
>>>>>> iteration. Then what can we do if an algorithm really need that?
>>>>>> Thanks for your patience.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Xingcan
>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 4:50 PM, Vasiliki Kalavri <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Xingcan,
>>>>>>> On 9 February 2017 at 18:16, Xingcan Cui <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Vasia,
>>>>>>>> thanks for your reply. It helped a lot and I got some new ideas.
>>>>>>>> a) As you said, I did use the getPreviousIterationAggregate()
>>>>>>>> method in preSuperstep() of the next superstep.
>>>>>>>> However, if the (only?) global (aggregate) results can not be 
>>>>>>>> guaranteed
>>>>>>>> to be consistency,  what should we
>>>>>>>> do with the postSuperstep() method?
>>>>>>> ​The postSuperstep() method is analogous to the close() method in a
>>>>>>> RichFunction, which is typically used for cleanup.​
>>>>>>>> b) Though we can active vertices by update method or messages, IMO,
>>>>>>>> it may be more proper for users
>>>>>>>> themselves to decide when to halt a vertex's iteration. Considering
>>>>>>>> a complex algorithm that contains different
>>>>>>>> phases inside a vertex-centric iteration. Before moving to the next
>>>>>>>> phase (that should be synchronized),
>>>>>>>> there may be some vertices that already finished their work in
>>>>>>>> current phase and they just wait for others.
>>>>>>>> Users may choose the finished vertices to idle until the next
>>>>>>>> phase, but rather than to halt them.
>>>>>>>> Can we consider adding the voteToHalt() method and some internal
>>>>>>>> variables to the Vertex/Edge class
>>>>>>>> (or just create an "advanced" version of them) to make the halting
>>>>>>>> more controllable?
>>>>>>> ​I suppose adding a voteToHalt() method is possible, but I'm not
>>>>>>> sure I see how that would make halting more controllable. If a vertex
>>>>>>> hasn't changed value or hasn't received a message, it has no work to do 
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> the next iteration, so why keep it active? If in a later superstep, a
>>>>>>> previously inactive vertex receives a message, it will become active 
>>>>>>> again.
>>>>>>> ​Is this what you're looking for or am I missing something?
>>>>>>>> c) Sorry that I didn't make it clear before. Here the
>>>>>>>> initialization means a "global" one that executes once
>>>>>>>> before the iteration. For example, users may want to initialize
>>>>>>>> the vertices' values by their adjacent edges
>>>>>>>> before the iteration starts. Maybe we can add an extra
>>>>>>>> coGroupFunction to the configuration parameters
>>>>>>>> and apply it before the iteration?
>>>>>>> ​You can initialize the graph by using any Gelly transformation
>>>>>>> methods before starting the iteration, e.g. mapVertices, mapEdges,
>>>>>>> reduceOnEdges, etc.
>>>>>>> Btw, a vertex can iterate over its edges inside the ComputeFunction
>>>>>>> using the getEdges() method. Initializing the vertex values with
>>>>>>> neighboring edges might not be a good idea if you have vertices with 
>>>>>>> high
>>>>>>> degrees.​
>>>>>>> ​Cheers,
>>>>>>> -Vasia.​
>>>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>>>> (BTW, I started a PR on FLINK-1526(MST Lib&Example). Considering
>>>>>>>> the complexity, the example is not
>>>>>>>> provided.)
>>>>>>>> Really appreciate for all your help.
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Xingcan
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 5:36 PM, Vasiliki Kalavri <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Xingcan,
>>>>>>>>> On 7 February 2017 at 10:10, Xingcan Cui <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> I got some question about the vertex-centric iteration in Gelly.
>>>>>>>>>> a)  It seems the postSuperstep method is called before the
>>>>>>>>>> superstep barrier (I got different aggregate values of the same 
>>>>>>>>>> superstep
>>>>>>>>>> in this method). Is this a bug? Or the design is just like that?
>>>>>>>>> ​The postSuperstep() method is called inside the close() method of
>>>>>>>>> a RichCoGroupFunction that wraps the ComputeFunction. The close()
>>>>>>>>> method It is called after the last call to the coGroup() after
>>>>>>>>> each iteration superstep.
>>>>>>>>> The aggregate values are not guaranteed to be consistent during
>>>>>>>>> the same superstep when they are computed. To retrieve an aggregate 
>>>>>>>>> value
>>>>>>>>> for superstep i, you should use the getPreviousIterationAggregate()
>>>>>>>>> method in superstep i+1.
>>>>>>>>>> b) There is not setHalt method for vertices. When no message
>>>>>>>>>> received, a vertex just quit the next iteration. Should I manually 
>>>>>>>>>> send
>>>>>>>>>> messages (like heartbeat) to keep the vertices active?
>>>>>>>>> ​That's because vertex halting is implicitly controlled by the
>>>>>>>>> underlying delta iterations of Flink. ​A vertex will remain active as 
>>>>>>>>> long
>>>>>>>>> as it receives a message or it updates its value, otherwise it will 
>>>>>>>>> become
>>>>>>>>> inactive. The documentation on Gelly iterations [1] and DataSet 
>>>>>>>>> iterations
>>>>>>>>> [2] might be helpful.
>>>>>>>>>> c) I think we may need an initialization method in the
>>>>>>>>>> ComputeFunction.
>>>>>>>>> ​There exists a preSuperstep() method for initialization. This one
>>>>>>>>> will be executed once per superstep before the compute function is 
>>>>>>>>> invoked
>>>>>>>>> for every vertex. Would this work for you?
>>>>>>>>>> Any opinions? Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>> Xingcan
>>>>>>>>> ​I hope this helps,
>>>>>>>>> -Vasia.​
>>>>>>>>> ​[1]:
>>>>>>>>> dev/libs/gelly/iterative_graph_processing.html#vertex-centri
>>>>>>>>> c-iterations
>>>>>>>>> [2]:
>>>>>>>>> dev/batch/iterations.html​

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