Hi Biplob,

We have created our own latency meter histogram, which contains the latency 
from congestion time till last operator.
This is shown in log below (99’th percentile  and mean value), and our 
estimations are based on it.
The latency you mentioned is from checkpoint tab- which shows checkpoint 
latency. It is different than record latency.
Actually we were also trying to use also LatencyMarker, but didn’t know how to 
get from it in s simple manner the E2E latency.
2017-10-26 07:26:55,030 INFO  com.citi.artemis.flink.reporters.Log4JReporter - 
localhost.taskmanager.6afd21aeb9b9bef41a4912b023469497.Flink Streaming 
Job.AverageE2ELatencyChecker.0.LatencyHistogram: count:10000 min:31919 
max:13481166 mean:89492.0644 stddev:265876.0259763816 p50:68140.5 p75:82152.5 
p95:146654.0499999999 p98:204671.74 p99:308958.73999999993 

From: Biplob Biswas [mailto:revolutioni...@gmail.com]
Sent: יום ב 30 אוקטובר 2017 11:02
To: Sofer, Tovi [ICG-IT] <ts72...@imceu.eu.ssmb.com>
Cc: Narendra Joshi <narendr...@gmail.com>; user <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Re: state size effects latency

Hi Tovi,

This might seem a really naive question (and its neither a solution or answer 
to your question ) but I am trying to understand how latency is viewed. You 
said you achieved less than 5 ms latency and say for the 99th percentile you 
achieved 0.3 and 9 ms respectively, what kind of latency is this? specific 
operator latency? because the end to end latency is around 50ms and 370 ms.

Was just curious how latency is seen from a different perspective, would really 
help me in my understanding.

Thanks a lot,

Thanks & Regards
Biplob Biswas

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 8:53 AM, Sofer, Tovi 
<tovi.so...@citi.com<mailto:tovi.so...@citi.com>> wrote:
Thank you Joshi.
We are using currently FsStateBackend since in version 1.3 it supports async 
snapshots, and no RocksDB.

Does anyone else has feedback on this issues?

From: Narendra Joshi [mailto:narendr...@gmail.com<mailto:narendr...@gmail.com>]
Sent: יום א 29 אוקטובר 2017 12:13
To: Sofer, Tovi [ICG-IT] 
Cc: user <user@flink.apache.org<mailto:user@flink.apache.org>>
Subject: Re: state size effects latency

We have also faced similar issues. The only thing that happens in sync when 
using async snaphots is getting a persistent point in time picture which in 
case of rocksdb backend is making symlinks. That would linearly increase with 
number of files to symlink but this should be negligible. We could not find a 
satisfying reason for increase in latency with state size.


Narendra Joshi
On 29 Oct 2017 15:04, "Sofer, Tovi" 
<tovi.so...@citi.com<mailto:tovi.so...@citi.com>> wrote:
Hi all,

In our application we have a requirement to very low latency, preferably less 
than 5ms.
We were able to achieve this so far, but when we start increasing the state 
size, we see distinctive decrease in latency.
We have added MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints, and are using async snapshots.

•         Why does state size has such distinctive effect on latency? How can 
this effect be minimized?

•         Can the state snapshot be done using separates threads and resources 
in order to less effect on stream data handling?


Application configuration:
env.setStateBackend(new FsStateBackend(checkpointDirURI, true)); // use async 
env.setParallelism (16) ; //running on machine with 40 cores


A.      When state size is ~20MB got latency of 0.3 ms latency for 99’th 

Latency info: (in nanos)
2017-10-26 07:26:55,030 INFO  com.citi.artemis.flink.reporters.Log4JReporter - 
localhost.taskmanager.6afd21aeb9b9bef41a4912b023469497.Flink Streaming 
Job.AverageE2ELatencyChecker.0.LatencyHistogram: count:10000 min:31919 
max:13481166 mean:89492.0644 stddev:265876.0259763816 p50:68140.5 p75:82152.5 
p95:146654.0499999999 p98:204671.74 p99:308958.73999999993 
State\checkpoint info:


B.      When state size is ~200MB latency was significantly decreased to 9 ms 
latency for 99’th percentile
Latency info:
2017-10-26 07:17:35,289 INFO  com.citi.artemis.flink.reporters.Log4JReporter - 
localhost.taskmanager.05431e7ecab1888b2792265cdc0ddf84.Flink Streaming 
Job.AverageE2ELatencyChecker.0.LatencyHistogram: count:10000 min:30186 
max:46236470 mean:322105.7072 stddev:2060373.4782505725 p50:68979.5 
p75:85780.25 p95:219882.69999999914 p98:2360171.4399999934 
p99:9251766.559999945 p999:3.956163987499886E7
State\checkpoint info:


Thanks and regrdas,

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