Hi yang

Thank you for your comment.
I read document and got an idea.

Flink uses custom serializers on known types, and the fallback is kryo.
The other arbitary objects is serialized by kryo.

On 2018/07/12 12:14, vino yang wrote:
Hi Yuta,

It seems Chesnay is right. The "fallback" in flink's documentation is in terms of the types flink supported. But for all the other arbitrary types kryo is the first choice.

2018-07-12 9:55 GMT+08:00 Yuta Morisawa <yu-moris...@kddi-research.jp <mailto:yu-moris...@kddi-research.jp>>:

    Thank you for your answer.

    > For POJOs Flink has a custom serializer. For arbitrary objects we use
    > kryo, and can use Avro as a fallback.

    It may be the reverse.
    Kryo is for fallback, right?

    On 2018/07/11 19:00, Chesnay Schepler wrote:

        1) TypeInformation are used to create serializers, comparators
        and to verify correctness of certain operations (like
        projections on tuple datasets).

        2) see

        3) Flink comes with a number of serializers for varying types as
        outlined here
        For POJOs Flink has a custom serializer. For arbitrary objects
        we use kryo, and can use Avro as a fallback.

        On 11.07.2018 09:24, Yuta Morisawa wrote:

            Hi all

            Now, I'm reading Flink document and I have some points to
            feel difficult to get an idea.
            I'd appreciate if you tell it me.

              I understand TypeInformation is used for selecting
            relevant serializer and comparator.
              But, the ducument doesn't specify if it has another way to
            be used.

              So, what I want to know is that what kinds of process gets
            benefit from TypeInformation other than serializer and

            2, Managed Memory
              The word "Managed memory" is appeared several time in the
            document but I can't find any detail description.
              This is the only document I found

              If anyone has document that explains managed memory,
            please let me know.

            3, Serializer
              What do the words in the document  "serializers we ship
            with Flink" mean? I know Flink uses avro for POJOs, is it
            the same thing?


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