You can use this way:
Use typesafe configuration, which provides excellent configuration
You supply default configuration, which is read by your application through
reference.conf file of typesafe. If you want to override any of the
defaults you can supply to command line arguments
>From the command line arguments, you can read them into Paramter tool map,
which is supplied by flink. You can use this map to override the default
configuration of the typesafe.
Following is the code snippet:

val pmtool = ParameterTool.fromArgs(args)
val defaultConfig = ConfigFactory.load() //Default config in
reference.conf/application.conf/system properties/env  of typesafe
val overrideConfigFromArgs =  ConfigFactory.load(pmtool.toMap)
val finalConfig =  overrideConfigFromArgs.withFallBack(defaultConfig)
//This is going to override your command line params


On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 12:51 AM Vishwas Siravara <vsirav...@gmail.com>

> I have a standalone cluster. I have added my own library(jar file) to the
> lib/ folder in flink . I submit my job from cli after I start the cluster.
> Now I want to externalize a property file which has to be read by this
> library. Since this library is loaded by flink's classloader and not the
> application class loader I cannot supply this using flink run -C ... since
> this works only for user class loader.
> Thanks,
> Vishwas

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