For instance, if I have the following DAG with the respect parallelism
in parenthesis (I hope the dag appears real afterall):

  source01 -> map01(4) -> flatmap01(4) \

  |-> keyBy -> reducer(8)
  source02 -> map02(4) -> flatmap02(4) /

And I have 4 TMs in 4 machines with 4 cores each. I would like to
place source01 and map01 and flatmap01 in TM-01. source02 and map02
and flatmap02 in TM-02. I am using "disableChaning()" in the faltMap
operator to measure it. And reducer1-to-4 in TM-03 and reducer5-to-8
in TM-04.

I am using the methods "setParallelism()" and "slotSharingGroup()" to
define it but both source01 and source02 are placed in TM-01 and map01
is split into 2 TMs. The same with map02.

-- Felipe Gutierrez
-- skype: felipe.o.gutierrez

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