when the job is killed,state is also misssing.
so why we need keyed state?Is keyed state useful when we try to resuming the 
killed job?

------------------ ???????? ------------------
                                               "Shengkai Fang"                  
????????:&nbsp;2020??10??7??(??????) ????12:43
????:&nbsp;Re: why we need keyed state and operate state when we already have 

The checkpoint is a snapshot for the job and we can resume the job if the job 
is killed unexpectedly. The state is another thing to memorize the intermediate 
result of calculation. I don't think the checkpoint can replace state.

?????? <appleyu...@foxmail.com&gt; ??2020??10??7?????? ????12:26??????

Could you tell me:

why we need keyed state and operator state when we already have checkpoint?

when a running jar crash,we can resume from the checkpoint 
So why did we still need keyed state and operator state.


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