Hi Mans,

I don't believe there are explicit triggers/evictors/timers in the Table
API/ SQL, as that is abstracted away from the lower-level DataStream API.
If you need to get into the fine-grained details, Flink 1.13 has made some
good improvements in going from the Table API to the DataStream API, and
back again. [1]

For working with time and lateness with Table API and SQL, some good places
to look are the GroupBy Window Aggregation section of the Table API
docs[2], as well as the SQL cookbook[3] and Ververica's SQL training

Hope that helps,

[4]: https://github.com/ververica/sql-training/wiki/Queries-and-Time

On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 1:30 PM M Singh <mans2si...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hey Folks:
> I have the following questions regarding Table API/SQL in streaming mode:
> 1. Is there is a notion triggers/evictors/timers when using Table API or
> SQL interfaces ?
> 2. Is there anything like side outputs and ability to define allowed
> lateness when dealing with the Table API or SQL interfaces ?
> If there are any alternate ways for the above when using Table API or SQL,
> please let me know where I can find the relevant documentation/examples.
> Thanks for your help.
> Mans

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