Hi, Dale.

Thanks for your professional explanation ;)



在 2023-11-22 00:39:47,"Dale Lane" <dale.l...@uk.ibm.com> 写道:

FYI in case it’s relevant for this discussion


> I'm not sure what is the ` Avro JSON` means


Avro supports two encoding mechanisms – binary encoding, and JSON encoding. [1]


In other words, an Avro record, although normally represented as binary data, 
can instead be represented as a JSON document.


I contributed an improvement to the Flink Avro connector to add support for 
JSON-encoded Avro as part of FLINK-33058 [2], although this is not yet merged.


I must admit, I’m not familiar with OpenSearch or what the Flink OpenSearch 
connector offers, so my apologies if I’m just adding noise to the conversation 


Kind regards




[1] - https://avro.apache.org/docs/1.11.1/specification/#encodings

[2] - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-33058




From: Xuyang <xyzhong...@163.com>
Date: Tuesday, 21 November 2023 at 15:17
To: Praveen Chandna <praveen.chan...@ericsson.com>
Cc: user@flink.apache.org <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re:Flink OpenSearch Connector - Avro JSON to JSON

Hi, Praveen. `OpenSearch supports writing data in the JSON format, but in Flink 
its default data format is Avro JSON. ` I'm not sure what is the ` Avro JSON` 
means. In Opensearch connector, there are multi formats it supports sucn as 



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Hi, Praveen.


`OpenSearch supports writing data in the JSON format, but in Flink its default 
data format is Avro JSON.`

I'm not sure what is the ` Avro JSON` means. In Opensearch connector, there are 
multi formats it supports sucn as "avro", "format" and etc by adding 
corresponding jars, and the default format[1] is "json" you want.


`OpenSearch Java Rest Client support writing the Java object directly to the 
openSearch using the below code.`

Currently,  the Opensearch connector connector always write the data 
serialized[2]. You can modify here directly in Opensearch connector, re-package 
it and try to use it.









At 2023-11-21 13:32:35, "Praveen Chandna via user" <user@flink.apache.org> 

Hello Team


Please helps to answer the below query.


OpenSearch supports writing data in the JSON format, but in Flink its default 
data format is Avro JSON. What is the best practice to write data to Open 
Search using Flink OpenSearch Connector? Do we need to manually convert Avro 
JSON to JSON format or is there any in-built support in Flink to write JSON to 
How can I write the existing complex nested JSON data into OpenSearch using the 
Flink connector rather than writing each key-value(or filed/value).
OpenSearch Java Rest Client support writing the Java object directly to the 
openSearch using the below code.


IndexRequest<UserDataObject> indexRequest =new 




Thanks !!


// Regards

Praveen Chandna


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