Good morning Lorenzo,

You may want to implement 
org.apache.flink.streaming.api.checkpoint.CheckpointedFunction interface in 
your KeyedProcessFunction.
Btw. By the time initializeState(…) is called, the state backend is fully 
initialized and can be read and written to (which is not the case for when the 
open(…) function is called.
In initializeState(…) you also get access to state of different operator key.
SnapshotState(…) is called as part of the (each) checkpoint in order to store 

Sincere greetings


From: Lorenzo Nicora <>
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2024 7:50 PM
To: Flink User Group <>
Subject: Preparing keyed state before snapshot

Hello everyone,

I have a convoluted problem.

I am implementing a KeyedProcessFunction that keeps some non-serializable 
"state" in memory, in a transient Map (key = stream key, value = the 
non-serializable "state").

I can extract a serializable representation to put in Flink state, and I can 
load my in-memory "state" from the Flink state. But these operations are 

Initializing the in-memory "state" is relatively easy. I do it lazily, in 
processElement(), on the first record for the key.

The problem is saving the in-memory "state" to Flink state.
I need to do it only before the state snapshot. But KeyedProcessFunction has no 
entrypoint called before the state snapshot.
I cannot use CheckpointedFunction.snapshotState(), because it does not work for 
keyed state.

Any suggestions?

Note that I cannot use operator state nor a broadcast state.
Processing is keyed. Every processed record modifies the in-memory "state" of 
that key. If the job rescale, the state of the key must follow the partition.

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