Hi Thias

I considered CheckpointedFunction.
In snapshotState() I would have to update the state of each key, extracting
the in-memory "state" of each key and putting it in the state with
state.update(...) .
This must happen per key,
But snapshotState() has no visibility of the keys. And I have no way of
selectively accessing the state of a specific key to update it.
Unless I am missing something


On Fri, 16 Feb 2024 at 07:21, Schwalbe Matthias <matthias.schwa...@viseca.ch>

> Good morning Lorenzo,
> You may want to implement
> org.apache.flink.streaming.api.checkpoint.CheckpointedFunction interface in
> your KeyedProcessFunction.
> Btw. By the time initializeState(…) is called, the state backend is fully
> initialized and can be read and written to (which is not the case for when
> the open(…) function is called.
> In initializeState(…) you also get access to state of different operator
> key.
> SnapshotState(…) is called as part of the (each) checkpoint in order to
> store data.
> Sincere greetings
> Thias
> *From:* Lorenzo Nicora <lorenzo.nic...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 15, 2024 7:50 PM
> *To:* Flink User Group <user@flink.apache.org>
> *Subject:* Preparing keyed state before snapshot
> Hello everyone,
> I have a convoluted problem.
> I am implementing a KeyedProcessFunction that keeps some non-serializable
> "state" in memory, in a transient Map (key = stream key, value = the
> non-serializable "state").
> I can extract a serializable representation to put in Flink state, and I
> can load my in-memory "state" from the Flink state. But these operations
> are expensive.
> Initializing the in-memory "state" is relatively easy. I do it lazily, in
> processElement(), on the first record for the key.
> The problem is saving the in-memory "state" to Flink state.
> I need to do it only before the state snapshot. But KeyedProcessFunction
> has no entrypoint called before the state snapshot.
> I cannot use CheckpointedFunction.snapshotState(), because it does not
> work for keyed state.
> Any suggestions?
> Note that I cannot use operator state nor a broadcast state.
> Processing is keyed. Every processed record modifies the in-memory "state"
> of that key. If the job rescale, the state of the key must follow the
> partition.
> Regards
> Lorenzo
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