Torsten Stolpmann wrote:
> Tim Williams wrote:
> >Torsten Stolpmann wrote:
> >
> >>while enabling a similar modification in the project sitemap I
> >>consistently run into OutOfMemory exceptions. I am using forrest 0.7
> >>with the war option.
> >>
> >>As a crosscheck I copied an existing, unmodified forrest sitemap.xmap
> >>into the documentation folder which gives me exactly the same results.
> >
> >I would imagine that would lead to some strange results.  Since this
> >is where project sitemaps are mounted, it's probably just continuously
> >mounting itself.
> >
> Sounds reasonable.

It sounds to me like you have unnecessary matches in
your project sitemap that are interfering with Forrest core.

Or as Tim suggested, your copying of the core sitemap needs
some tweaks to point to resources in the parent sitemap.

Would you please explain what you are trying to achieve
with your "intended changes". Perhaps there is a better way.
