Ross Gardler wrote:
> Tim Williams wrote:
> >
> >I think you're going to run into problems overriding only the **.html
> >and **/*.html pipes.  I played around a bit yesterday with this but
> >didn't have time to come to any real solution.  I *think* what's
> >happening is that it is recursively calling itself when it gets to the
> >body-*.html, menu-*.html, etc matches since **.html is such a greedy
> >match.  I confirmed there's no major problem with your sitemap by
> >changing the extension to html2 and manually putting in an .html
> >extension in the aggregation section.  
> Yes, that is a good point.
> The solution is therefore to use a regexp matcher in the project sitemap 
> so that it does not match body-* and menu-* etc. This will allow you to 
> use the sitemap extension mechanism without touching the core sitemap. I 
> *strongly* advise against touching any of the core Forrest files as it 
> will cause problems for you in upgrading Forrest in the future.

So will copying a swag of stuff into a project sitemap.
