On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 10:09 AM, McRoy, Jeffrey (GE Healthcare)
<jeffrey.mc...@ge.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I’ve seen a lot of email about copy/paste without ctrl-shift-alt, so I
> decided to try it out. I downloaded the 0.9.14 war file, added some user
> mappings, and fired it up in Tomcat 8.x.
> I then added the clipboard manager to my Chrome browser. I opened a Guac SSH
> session, enable clipboard access, highlighted some text and was able to
> paste it into a textpad app running on my local computer. I didn’t even have
> to press Ctrl-C. Excellent! However, it looks like scrolling back while
> selecting text in the SSH session isn’t supported yet.

That's correct. You can select text after scrolling, but not while in
the process of scrolling.

> Then I tried copying some text from my local notepad app to paste it into
> the SSH session, but I couldn’t work out how to get it to paste. Selecting
> paste from the Chrome browser menu didn’t work, Ctrl-V didn’t work, and
> using the old ctrl-shift-alt window didn’t work. What am I missing?

Ctrl+anything (including V) is reserved for sending control characters
within the terminal, so it is not used by Guacamole's terminal
emulator for paste. You will need to press Ctrl+Shift+V, or middle- or

- Mike

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