On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 9:33 AM, McRoy, Jeffrey (GE Healthcare) <
jeffrey.mc...@ge.com> wrote:

> ...
> I’ve hit a couple of issues:
> - Calculating the initial scale, Guacamole.Display.getHeight() and
> Guacamole.Display.getWidth() return 0 until the browser window is resized.
> This causes the first attempt at caluclating scale to be 0.

Yes, you will need to handle this case.

- In VNC the local mouse location seems to be off from the remote mouse
> locatipn, maybe need scaling applied here also?

Yes. The Guacamole.Mouse object is independent of the Guacamole.Client /
Guacamole.Display. If the Guacamole display is being scaled, you will need
to adjust the coordinates returned by Guacamole.Mouse accordingly. This
goes for the mouse emulation objects for touch support, as well.

- Mike

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