On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 3:10 PM, Joachim Lindenberg <joac...@lindenberg.one>

> Hello,
> I do have my extension for Hyper-V, that does authentication and
> authorizations for my Hyper-V guests. However I also would like to include
> some of my infrastructure (SSH, VNC, etc.) into the solution – and
> preferably not as a flat list but with some hierarchy. I do understand that
> I can run a database and insert all information, likely in parallel to my
> own extension. However I think that´s overkill (with one user, and system
> load and backup is an issue) and would prefer if the user-mapping.xml
> <http://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/configuring-guacamole.html#user-mapping>
> could be extended to support a (simple, i.e. one level totally fine) tree
> structure.
No, the basic file authentication (user-mapping.xml) extension does not
support any organization to the connections.  The JDBC module is actually
the only module that does - all of the other modules that support
connections (LDAP, upcoming QuickConnect, and Basic File Authentication)
simply put the connections in a single, flat root group with no ability to
organize them.  If you need this functionality, you need to use the JDBC
module - it's worth the very slight overhead and additional 10 minutes of
work to get it set up.


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