On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 4:54 AM Martin Ciglan <m.cig...@sino.sk> wrote:

> that would be awesome. This XenServer looks quite popular.
> (Disclaimer...this is getting ever so slightly off-topic of this mailing
list, but, oh well :-).

I would say it is moderately popular - it probably occupies the #3 or #4
space in terms of "market share" of virtualization platforms - VMware being
the first, Hyper-V the second, and possibly KVM derivatives the third, if
you count them all together.  I really like XenServer - I actually think
it's the best of all of the packeged Hypervisor options, with the open
source Xen at its core.  Unfortunately, Citrix has
been...inconsistent...with their approach to licensing it, which has driven
some people away, and they've also failed to attract third-party
integrations the way VMware and Microsoft have done.  I still think its the
best, but it definitely has some downsides.

Also, if you like the concept of XenServer but are frustrated with Citrix's
approach to licensing (it's commercial, now it's open source, well, mostly
open-source, actually mostly commercial...) you can check out XCP-ng, which
is the an open source fork of the XenServer source:



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