Hi Nick,

First, I modified guacamole.properties:
# Hostname and port of guacamole proxy
guacd-hostname: localhost
guacd-port:     4822

# MySQL properties
mysql-hostname: localhost
mysql-port: 3306
mysql-database: guacamole_db
mysql-username: guacamole_user
mysql-password: password

# LDAP Properties
ldap-hostname: pin.isim.intra
ldap-port: 389
ldap-user-base-dn: DC=isim,DC=intra
ldap-search-bind-dn: CN=Bind,OU=Comptes,DC=isim,DC=intra
ldap-search-bind-password: xxxxx
ldap-username-attribute: sAMAccountName

Now i have it as log :
12:40:01.327 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] WARN  o.a.g.auth.ldap.user.UserService -
Given a referral, not following it. Error was: Referral
12:40:01.328 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] WARN  o.a.g.auth.ldap.user.UserService -
Given a referral, not following it. Error was: Referral
12:40:01.329 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] WARN  o.a.g.auth.ldap.user.UserService -
Given a referral, not following it. Error was: Referral
12:40:01.332 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] WARN  o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService
- Authentication attempt from for user "lucas@isim.intra"

Then, i restart tomcat each time i modify guacamole.properties to apply my
Finally I have never touched the file ldap.properties because at no time in
the documentation of guacamole it does not appear.

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