Hello Mike,

Is "IP_addr" present in the logs, or did you manually change this to
avoid posting your actual IP address?

IP_addr is just to hide the real one :-)

What error?
Guacamole Web page faills in error advising to dig into logs and contact the admistrator. Unfortunately, I found no log that would tell why it behaves this way. Some good log as (expecting that, got this, bad) :-)



At 18:24 30/11/2018, Mike Jumper wrote:
On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 5:29 AM B3r3n <b3...@argosnet.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Currently testing 1.0.0 of Guacamole, it solves some RDP issue Ihave with
> 0.9.14, I discovered it does not behave properly with Auth header
> authentication.

1.0.0 is not out yet. It's great that you're testing the code staged
for eventual release as 1.0.0, but there has not yet been a release.
You are testing development code on git.

> Except MySQL DB rebuilt (because of connexions etc), I changed nothing in
> config. Only the client & server were rebuilt.
> Now when I authenticate, Guacamole starts by behaving properly:
> 14:16:39.439 [http-nio-] INFO
> o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService - User "guacadmin" successfully
> authenticated from [IP_addr,].

> Then it goes in numerous SQL queries to end with a classical error. I cant
> find the log line telling why this error.

What error?

- Mike

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