On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 1:18 PM Joachim Lindenberg <joac...@lindenberg.one>

> Hello,
> I tried to upgrade one of my docker based guacamole installations today,
> and failed. I am using guacamole mostly to connect to Hyper-V virtual
> machines, using the preconnection blob mechanism. Now when I connected to
> the new guacamole, I was able to authenticate using my extension (thanks
> for staying compatible!), but connections failed. In guacd log I found the
> cause:
> guacd[100]: WARNING:    Installed version of FreeRDP lacks support for the
> preconnection PDU. The specified preconnection BLOB and/or ID will be
> ignored.
> Is there a reason not to compile with Hyper-V support out of the box? Did
> I miss a discussion on the mailing list? Or is it by accident Debian has
> the wrong default?

It seems like FreeRDP 2 either removed support for this or has changed it
to the point where Guacamole doesn't recognize it.  Worth some additional
investigation - if they've just changed it and we need to adjust, then it's
worth a JIRA issue on our side.  If FreeRDP 2 has removed it then there
isn't much we can do about it.


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