On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 1:39 PM Sean Reid <sean.re...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 4:24 PM sciUser <shulb...@securitycentric.net>
> wrote:
> >
> > As long as you have a GPU assigned to the VM it will handle the
> rendering,
> > Guacamole is just the broker for the RDP protocol.
> The pixels that come from RDP or VNC may be compressed in some way,
> but before guacd sends them out to the client, it still has to unpack
> them and convert them to png, jpeg, webp (if it was compiled to
> include webp) in the guacamole protocol. With this in mind, I'd be
> interested in seeing guacd could scale better than it already does
> with GPU-based image encoding. It's possible we could see more
> connection to unique displays with GPU encoding.
> In addition, guecenc is an area I've toyed with adding GPU support to
> personally since I've spent a lot of time adding H.264 support to
> guacenc and modern GPUs almost certainly have H.264 hardware encoding
> support. The issue I ran into was one of user interface: requiring a
> user to know their set up well-enough to tell guacenc to use the nvenc
> encoder seemed like a bad UI choice to me, and I had no good ideas for
> how to automatically detect that support and use it. So I didn't push
> it too much further. But if you have ideas, I'd love to see optional
> GPU encoding support there!

If you have something (or *can *have something) which could produce an
H.264 stream within guacd, I have some working POC code which decodes H.264
streams received within the Guacamole client (streams sent via the "video"
instruction and subsequent blobs). The code leverages the "Broadway" H.264

I think we'd need legal confirmation that including such a decoder and
encoder is OK, but overall definitely worth doing. It sounds like we may be
closer to having this than I thought.

- Mike

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