On 6/22/23 19:48, Michael Jumper wrote:
On 6/22/23 14:50, Jason Keltz wrote:

What do you see in your guacd logs for the connection in question?

I am now seeing a few errors that I didn't see before:

For grepping for ssh from guacd logs, the only error I'm seeing (not frequently) is:

- Unable to set the timezone: SSH server refused to set "TZ" variable.

This is non-fatal. Guacamole tries to advise the SSH server of the user's timezone, but the SSH server need not honor this.

but I  only see a few of them..

For SFTP, I'm seeing a few of these:

- Cannot create SFTP filesystem - "<user>" is not a valid path - but I have the full path specified to the user everywhere and the handful of them in the logs aren't referring to my user anyway..

This is definitely going to prevent your attempts to use SFTP from functioning, and the error is correct. You will need to double-check your configuration again, as there is definitely something incorrect about the path provided.

There are very few reasons that that message can appear. It will appear if:

* The path is not absolute.
* The path is too deep (we currently enforce a limit of 1024 components)
* The path is too long (we currently enforce a limit of 2048 characters)

Of the above, it is most likely that the path is simply not an absolute path (no leading "/"). It would be very odd if your path somehow exceeds the length/depth limits.

- and I see a few instances of:

  - Parameter "sftp-disable-download" omitted. Using default value of 0.

  - Parameter "sftp-disable-upload" omitted. Using default value of 0.

But I have so many users logging in and very few errors..

Now, albeit guacd debug mode is now turned back off but this is what I'm seeing when I login from syslog..

2023-06-22T17:46:21.056398-04:00 remote guacd[1351060]: Creating new client for protocol "rdp"
Not even a mention of sftp....

If the SFTP connection fails, there will be a fatal error logged and the connection will abort entirely.

If the SFTP connection succeeds, nothing about SFTP will be logged unless debug-level logging is enabled.

If debug-level logging is enabled, the only case where nothing would be logged about SFTP is if SFTP is not enabled.

Assuming you continue to encounter this, the things to do would be:

1) Pick a single connection that is not working as expected.
2) Enable debug-level logging for guacd and attempt to use that connection. 3) Assuming it does not work, post the logs from that connection attempt here, along with a screenshot of the connection configuration from the Guacamole UI (redacted as necessary).

The cause will likely be apparent from that.

I took a connection to a host called "crimson".

I stopped guacd, ran it manually with debug mode, then connected to crimson..

See this log:

uacd[1373403]: INFO:    Creating new client for protocol "rdp"
guacd[1373403]: INFO:    Connection ID is "$b7343164-e559-4efe-8dc5-a373b8d1f39e"
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Processing instruction: size
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Processing instruction: audio
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Processing instruction: video
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Processing instruction: image
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Processing instruction: timezone
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Processing instruction: name
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "console" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "console-audio" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "disable-auth" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: INFO:    No security mode specified. Defaulting to security mode negotiation with server.
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    User resolution is 1224x665 at 96 DPI
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "dpi" omitted. Using default value of 96.
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Using resolution of 1224x665 at 96 DPI
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "force-lossless" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "read-only" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "client-name" omitted. Using default value of "Guacamole RDP". guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "enable-wallpaper" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "enable-theming" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "enable-font-smoothing" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "enable-full-window-drag" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "enable-desktop-composition" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "enable-menu-animations" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "disable-bitmap-caching" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "disable-offscreen-caching" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "disable-glyph-caching" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Glyph caching is currently universally disabled, regardless of the value of the "disable-glyph-caching" parameter, as glyph caching support is not considered stable by FreeRDP as of the FreeRDP 2.0.0 release. See: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GUACAMOLE-1191 guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "color-depth" omitted. Using default value of 16. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "disable-audio" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "enable-printing" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "printer-name" omitted. Using default value of "Guacamole Printer". guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "enable-drive" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "drive-name" omitted. Using default value of "Guacamole Filesystem". guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "drive-path" omitted. Using default value of "". guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "create-drive-path" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "disable-download" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "disable-upload" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "timezone" omitted. Using default value of "America/Toronto". guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "recording-name" omitted. Using default value of "recording". guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "recording-exclude-output" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "recording-exclude-mouse" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "recording-exclude-touch" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "recording-include-keys" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "create-recording-path" omitted. Using default value of 0.
guacd[1373558]: INFO:    Resize method: reconnect
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "enable-touch" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "enable-audio-input" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "gateway-port" omitted. Using default value of 443. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "disable-copy" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "disable-paste" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: INFO:    No clipboard line-ending normalization specified. Defaulting to preserving the format of all line endings. guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Parameter "wol-send-packet" omitted. Using default value of 0. guacd[1373558]: INFO:    User "@f767c4e7-01a6-413d-9c8b-6f431edcb71f" joined connection "$b7343164-e559-4efe-8dc5-a373b8d1f39e" (1 users now present)
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Client is using protocol version "VERSION_1_5_0"
guacd[1373558]: INFO:    Loading keymap "base"
guacd[1373558]: INFO:    Loading keymap "en-us-qwerty"
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG: freerdp_connect:freerdp_set_last_error_ex resetting error state guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Support for CLIPRDR (clipboard redirection) registered. Awaiting channel connection.
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Support for static channel "rdpdr" loaded.
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Support for static channel "rdpsnd" loaded.
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Local framebuffer format PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX32
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Remote framebuffer format PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB16
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    primitives autodetect, using optimized
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG: freerdp_tcp_is_hostname_resolvable:freerdp_set_last_error_ex resetting error state guacd[1373558]: DEBUG: freerdp_tcp_connect:freerdp_set_last_error_ex resetting error state
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    CLIPRDR (clipboard redirection) channel connected.
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    SVC "rdpdr" connected.
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    SVC "rdpsnd" connected.
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Clipboard data received. Reporting availability of clipboard data to RDP server. guacd[1373558]: INFO:    Accepted format: 16-bit PCM with 2 channels at 44100 Hz guacd[1373558]: INFO:    Accepted format: 16-bit PCM with 2 channels at 22050 Hz
guacd[1373558]: INFO:    Connected to RDPDR 1.12 as client 0xcfd0c637
guacd[1373558]: INFO:    RDPDR user logged on
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    All supported devices sent.
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Ignoring server capability set type=0x0001, length=44 guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Ignoring server capability set type=0x0002, length=8 guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Ignoring server capability set type=0x0003, length=8 guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Ignoring server capability set type=0x0004, length=8 guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Ignoring server capability set type=0x0005, length=8
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Sending capabilities...
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Capabilities sent.
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Client ID confirmed
guacd[1373558]: INFO:    User "@f767c4e7-01a6-413d-9c8b-6f431edcb71f" disconnected (0 users remain) guacd[1373558]: INFO:    Last user of connection "$b7343164-e559-4efe-8dc5-a373b8d1f39e" disconnected [jas@remotelab system]# guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Requesting termination of client... guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    CLIPRDR (clipboard redirection) channel disconnected.
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    SVC "rdpdr" disconnected.
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    SVC "rdpsnd" disconnected.
guacd[1373558]: INFO:    Internal RDP client disconnected
guacd[1373558]: DEBUG:    Client terminated successfully.
guacd[1373480]: WARNING:    Guacamole connection failure: Error filling instruction buffer guacd[1373480]: INFO:    User "@79cf4e12-36ec-4353-90b9-007c67eba5ee" disconnected (0 users remain) guacd[1373480]: INFO:    Last user of connection "$b7a87a9d-3829-4807-94d2-6a4d09d82fd0" disconnected
guacd[1373480]: DEBUG:    Requesting termination of client...
guacd[1373480]: DEBUG:    CLIPRDR (clipboard redirection) channel disconnected.
guacd[1373480]: DEBUG:    SVC "rdpdr" disconnected.
guacd[1373480]: DEBUG:    SVC "rdpsnd" disconnected.
guacd[1373480]: INFO:    Internal RDP client disconnected
guacd[1373480]: DEBUG:    Client terminated successfully.
guacd[1373405]: INFO:    User "@841c59a5-0354-4025-aeb6-0b4abfeffb40" disconnected (0 users remain) guacd[1373405]: INFO:    Last user of connection "$73b3a9c9-164f-49f9-8b83-e2e3083f38d4" disconnected
guacd[1373405]: DEBUG:    Requesting termination of client...
guacd[1373405]: DEBUG:    CLIPRDR (clipboard redirection) channel disconnected.
guacd[1373405]: DEBUG:    SVC "rdpdr" disconnected.
guacd[1373405]: DEBUG:    SVC "rdpsnd" disconnected.
guacd[1373405]: INFO:    Internal RDP client disconnected
guacd[1373405]: DEBUG:    Client terminated successfully.

I hit CTRL-C at the end..

There's  0 mention of sftp whatsoever, but you'll see that it's enabled...

I always use a full path to the home directory, and it's always very small as well..

Only options filled in are specified - all other options are blank:

Name: crimson

Location: ROOT

Protocol: RDP

Maximum number of connections: 50

Maximum number of connections per user: 1

Network hostname: <full hostname>

Port: 3389

Authentication: User: ${GUAC_USERNAME:LOWER}

Password: ${GUAC_PASSWORD}

Ignore server certificate: checked

Display Resize method: Reconnect

SFTP: Enable sftp: checked

Hostname: <full hostname>



File browser root directory: /eecs/home/${GUAC_USERNAME:LOWER}

And that's literally it!

The configuration is pretty basic...


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