On Sat, Dec 30, 2023 at 1:59 AM Russell Sayers <russell.say...@gmail.com>

> Hello all,
> I've recently upgraded a guacd container from 1.2.0 to 1.5.4. I also
> upgraded the underlying OS, and docker version.
> Now I'm seeing frequent core dumps from guacd and SIGSEGV messages in the
> audit.log.  I've tried increasing the "ulimit" for stack size to 65536kb
> and I'm now not seeing the core dumps (yet).  Has anyone else seen a
> similar issue?
Have you established any pattern to when the segfaults happen during the
connection process? I'm not sure where the Docker containers stash the core
dump files, but I would guess they are inside the Docker container and
you'll have to retrieve them from there.


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