I am trying to build a Web app where users can create multiple Ubuntu
instances and use them through my web app. The domain for my web app is
example-app.com which is written in reactjs. I have hosted guacamole
clients on separate subdomains lab.example-app.com.

In the reactjs app, I am using the Iframe (Not sure if there is any other
way) to show lab.example-app.com (guacamole client app), since I don't want
the user to do another login on the guacamole app. I am planning to use a
token. My current logic is as follows:

1. When the user creates an account (the backend is in Django-python) I
make a rest API request to create an account, get a token from guacamole
and save it to the web app database.
2. When the user creates an Ubuntu instance, using the rest API I create a
connection and associate the user with it. I save a URL like

Everything works fine, the user can access multiple connections but since
the token has a lifetime, and after that time the URL is not working.

How do I manage the token so that it doesn't expire?

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