I am running guacamole/guacd:1.5.4 and guacamole/guacamole:1.5.4 on Google
Kubernetes, but I am facing an issue I can connect to the RDP connection
for just 30 seconds after that it shows a notification *"The Guacamole
server is not currently reachable. Please check your network and try
again."* When I click on reconnect it works again but just for 30 sec,
during this 30-second connection works perfectly. Terminal, and File
Explorer all are working but this message keeps on coming every 30 sec.

guacamole-client is running with nodeport and ingress and guacamole-server
is running with service.

Logs from Client

[http-nio-8080-exec-17] INFO  o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService -
User \"master_admin\" successfully authenticated from [122.x.x.x,
34.x.x.x, 35.x.x.x].",

[http-nio-8080-exec-15] INFO  o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService - User
\"master_admin\" connected to connection \"3\"."

[http-nio-8080-exec-2] INFO  o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService - User
\"master_admin\" disconnected from connection \"3\". Duration: 29667

Logs from server:

guacd[1]: INFO:\tCreating new client for protocol \"rdp\"

guacd[1]: INFO:\tConnection ID is \"$e7fecdf7-1d1d-45db-9eda-xxxx\"

guacd[64]: INFO:\tNo security mode specified. Defaulting to security
mode negotiation with server.

guacd[64]: INFO:\tResize method: none

guacd[64]: INFO:\tNo clipboard line-ending normalization specified.
Defaulting to preserving the format of all line endings.

guacd[64]: INFO:\tUser \"@fecdc4a0-1651-4e8e-abf7-xxxx\" joined
connection \"$e7fecdf7-1d1d-45db-9eda-xxxx\" (1 users now present)

guacd[64]: INFO:\tLoading keymap \"base\"

guacd[64]: INFO:\tLoading keymap \"en-us-qwerty\"

guacd[64]: ERROR:\tUser is not responding.

guacd[64]: INFO:\tUser \"@fecdc4a0-1651-4e8e-abf7-xxx\" disconnected
(0 users remain)

guacd[64]: INFO:\tLast user of connection
\"$e7fecdf7-1d1d-45db-9eda-xxx\" disconnected

guacd[1]: INFO:\tConnection \"$e7fecdf7-1d1d-45db-9eda-xxx\" removed.

How can I resolve this issue?

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