On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 8:03 PM Justin VanAbrahams <jvanabrah...@abico.com>

> Not Guacamole-related, but I have absolutely seen stale NFS mounts bog
> down Linux networking to uselessness.

Yeah, I'd agree that stale NFS mounts can be quite debilitating to doing
anything useful with a Linux system. That said, if it only happens when
connecting from Guacamole, I wonder if the Guacamole (= libssh2) session is
doing something additional that may be "catching" on the stale NFS mount -
either SFTP is enabled on the connection and it's trying to start that and
enumerate a filesystem, or something about the shell that libssh2 is
requesting is requiring a more thorough investigation of resources than the
"plain" SSH connection.



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