Hi folks

I'm very new to guacamole,

I've run up and instance with Tomcat and 1.5.5 on a Raspberry Pi. It works and 
I'm not trying to do multiuser vnc:

- tigervncserver on user1 as :3
- tigervncserver on user2 as :4
- user-mapping.xml for user1 and user2

This seems OK, but results in two instances of guacd, is this normal? I'm 
trying to do cleanup scripts etc.so at the moment I have sudo killall guacd.

Also when I'm in the Pi desktop is there a clean way of leaving it? I'm trying 
to develop this for Pi students who haven't got a physical Pi yet, that's the 
context of all this.

Best regards Hugh Barnard


Mastodon: @hughbarn...@post.lurk.org
Book: https://tinyurl.com/2s4hm33b

at Housmans and Freedom Bookshop

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