Thanks Nick. I tweaked the search filter a little bit and am able to return
the group membership with ldapsearch, but when applying that same filter to, no users are able to authenticate.

Is it possible there is an additional parameter that needs to be used in
conjunction with ldap-user-search-filter?

Erik Berndt / Systems Administrator
5551 Wellington Rd, Gainesville, VA 20155
703.631.0004 x520 (Phone) / 703.257.1725 (Fax)

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On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 12:51 PM, Nick Couchman <>

> Not sure if this is a paste error or how you actually have it, but you
> have an extra quotation mark:
> ldap-user-search-filter; "(&(objectCategory=Group)(
> sAMAccountName=*)(memberOf=cn=Accounting,ou=groups,ou="Superior Paving
> Employees,dc=superiorpaving,dc=net))"
> There should not be a quote in front of "Superior" in the memberOf= part
> of the filter - LDAP filters can deal fine with spaces in the components of
> the filter, so your filter should look like this:
> ldap-user-search-filter: "(&(objectCategory=Group)(
> sAMAccountName=*)(memberOf=cn=Accounting,ou=groups,ou=Superior Paving
> Employees,dc=superiorpaving,dc=net))"
> Also, in the line you pasted in to the e-mail, you had a semicolon,
> instead of a colon, at the end of ldap-user-search-filter.
> If it still doesn't work, try using that filter in an "ldapsearch" command
> and make sure you get results back:
> ldapsearch -H ldap:// -D <YOUR BIND DN HERE> -W
> '(&(objectCategory=Group)(sAMAccountName=*)(memberOf=cn=
> Accounting,ou=groups,ou=Superior Paving Employees,dc=superiorpaving,
> dc=net))'
> Should do the trick.  If you get no results back or you get an error, fix
> it and try, again.
> -Nick
> On Wednesday, August 9, 2017, 12:46:13 PM EDT, Erik Berndt <
>> wrote:
> I'm attempting to filter AD groups permitted to login through Guacamole,
> which is making use of the auth-mysql and auth-ldap extensions. Login works
> fine for the users defined in the ldap-user-base-dn.
> When I define the ldap-user-search-filter and reset the servlet container,
> all users are prevented from loggin in.
> This is my first time writing ldap filters, so it's very possible this is
> a syntax issue. My search filter in is as follows:
> ldap-user-search-filter; "(&(objectCategory=Group)(
> sAMAccountName=*)(memberOf=cn=Accounting,ou=groups,ou="Superior Paving
> Employees,dc=superiorpaving,dc=net))"
> Can anyone assist me with this filter?
> I also have tried to restrict the ldap-user-base-dn to the specific group
> I want to give access to, but am running into the same issue.
> Erik Berndt / Systems Administrator

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