Hi Omkar,

 Can you please see if you can answer my question with this info or if you
need anything else from me?

 Also, does resource localization improve or impact any performance?


On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 11:20 PM, Omkar Joshi <ojo...@hortonworks.com> wrote:

> How are you making these measurements can you elaborate more? Is it on a
> best case basis or on an average or worst case? How many resources are you
> sending it for localization? were the sizes and number of these resources
> consistent across tests? Were these resources public/private/application
> specific? Apart from this is the other load on node manager same? is the
> load on hdfs same? did you see any network bottleneck?
> More information will help a lot.
> Thanks,
> Omkar Joshi
> *Hortonworks Inc.* <http://www.hortonworks.com>
> On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 2:19 AM, Krishna Kishore Bonagiri <
> write2kish...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   Please share with me if you anyone has an answer or clues to my
>> question regarding the start up performance.
>> Also, one more thing I have observed today is the time taken to run a
>> command on a container went up by more than a second in this latest version.
>> When using 2.0.4-alpha, it used to take 0.3 to 0.5 seconds from the point
>> I call startContainer() to the  point the command is started on the
>> container.
>> where as
>> When using 2.1.0-beta, it is taking around 1.5 seconds from the point it
>> came to the call back onContainerStarted() to the point the command is seen
>> started running on the container.
>> Thanks,
>> Kishore
>> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Krishna Kishore Bonagiri <
>> write2kish...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>   I have been using the hadoop-2.0.1-beta release candidate and observed
>>> that it is slower in running my simple application that runs on 2
>>> containers. I have tried to find out which parts of it is really having
>>> this extra overhead(compared to hadoop-2.0.4-alpha), and here is what I
>>> found that.
>>> 1) From the point my Client has submitted the Application Master to RM,
>>> it is taking 2  seconds extra
>>> 2) From the point my container request are set up by Application Master,
>>> till the containers are allocated, it is taking 2 seconds extra
>>> Is this overhead expected with the changes that went into the new
>>> version? Or is there to improve it by changing something in configurations
>>> or so?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kishore

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