Thank you, I will post the question there.
寄件者: Jeff Zhang <>
寄件日期: 2018年10月25日 下午 09:01
收件者: Lee Ming-Ta
主旨: Re: Zeppelin 0.8.0 with JDBC to Hive settings

BTW, please ask this kind of question in zeppelin user mail list instead of 
hadoop mail list.

Jeff Zhang <<>>于2018年10月25日周四 下午9:01写道:
>>> java.sql.SQLException: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri: 
>>> jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000: Connection refused 
>>> (Connection refused)

It looks like due to hive connection issue, Can you first verify whether you 
can connect to hive in beeline ?

Lee Ming-Ta <<>>于2018年10月25日周四 
Dear all, I'm wondering whether anyone would help me with the settings for 
Zeppelin 0.8.0 using Hive.

As indicated by Apache on Zeppelin website, the interpreter for Hive has been 
deprecated and merged with JDBC.  However, I cannot use %jdbc(hive) to initiate 
it in Zeppelin.  All I got is "InterpreterNotFoundException: Either no 
interpreter named hive or it is not binded to this note".

I've tried following this website: and 
change the interpreter settings for jdbc (except default.user and 
default.password).  I also made two links:

hadoop-common.jar -> 
hive-jdbc.jar -> 

in /usr/local/zeppelin/interpreter/jdbc/.

However, this time I got a different error:

java.sql.SQLException: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri: 
jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000: Connection refused 
(Connection refused)

Is there anything I shoud do?

Thanks for help!


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