Hi ,

Examples are most helpful for developer. Please add examples as much as we

Sudeep Thakur

On Mon, Jun 10, 2019, 10:38 PM Wei-Chiu Chuang <weic...@cloudera.com.invalid>

> Hi!
> I am soliciting feedbacks for HDFS roadmap items and wish list in the
> future Hadoop releases. A community meetup
> <https://www.meetup.com/Hadoop-Contributors/events/262055924/?rv=ea1_v2&_xtd=gatlbWFpbF9jbGlja9oAJGJiNTE1ODdkLTY0MDAtNDFiZS1iOTU5LTM5ZWYyMDU1N2Q4Nw>
> is happening soon, and perhaps we can use this thread to converge on things
> we should talk about there.
> I am aware of several major features that merged into trunk, such as RBF,
> Consistent Standby Serving Reads, as well as some recent features that
> merged into 3.2.0 release (storage policy satisfier).
> What else should we be doing? I have a laundry list of supportability
> improvement projects, mostly about improving performance or making
> performance diagnostics easier. I can share the list if folks are
> interested.
> Are there things we should do to make developer's life easier or things
> that would be nice to have for downstream applications? I know Sahil Takiar
> made a series of improvements in HDFS for Impala recently, and those
> improvements are applicable to other downstreamers such as HBase. Or would
> it help if we provide more Hadoop API examples?

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