Hi Hbase users,

We have a use case where we need to know how data looked at a given time in

The data is stored in HBase of course, with multiple versions. And, the
goal is to be able to extractall records (rowkey, columns) as of a given
timestamp, to a file.

I am trying to figure out the best way to achieve this.

The options I know are:
1. Write a *Java* client using HBase Java API, and scan the hbase table.
2. Do the same, but over *Thrift* HBase API using Perl (since
our environment is mostly Perl).
3. Use *Hive *to point to HBase table, and use Sqoop to extract data from
the Hive table and onto client / RDBMS.
4. Use *Pig *to extract data from HBase table and dump it on HDFS and move
the file over to the client.

So far, I have successfully implemented option (2). I am still running some
tests to see how it performs, but it works fine as such.

My questions are:
1. Is option (3) or (4) even possible? I am not sure if we can access the
table for a given timestamp over Pig or Hive.
2. Is there any other better way of achieving this?


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