hey guys,
try as i might i cannot seem to get beeline (via jdbc) to log information
back from hiveserver2 like job_id, progress and that kind of information
(similiar to what the local beeline or hive clients do.)

i see this ticket that is closed:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-7615 which leads me to believe
things should work.

   * running hive v2.1.0
   * i have enabled all the hive.hiveserver2.logging settings

do other people have this working? whats' the secret?


1. beeline -u jdbc:hive2://  #local beeline-cli) reports progress
2. hive --service cli  #local hive-cli reports progress

3. beeline -u jdbc:hive2://dwrdevnn1:10001/default;auth=noSasl  #remote
beeline client *does not* report progress

i have Hiveserver2 running in binary mode (not http) not sure that makes
any difference.

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