Hi Gopal,
Aha!  thank you for background behind this.  that makes things much more

and ~3000 queries across 10 HS2 servers. sweet. now that's what i call
pushing the edge. I like it!

Thanks again,

On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 10:29 PM, Gopal Vijayaraghavan <gop...@apache.org>

> > not get the progress messages back until the query finishes which
> >somewhat defeats the purpose of interactive usage.
> That happens entirely on the client side btw.
> So to avoid a hard sleep() + check loop causing pointless HTTP traffic,
> HiveServer2 now does a long poll on the server side.
> hive.server2.long.polling.timeout", "5000ms"
> This means that it is edge-triggered to return whenever the query finishes
> instead of adding extra time when the results are ready but beeline
> doesn't know about.
> However, the get_logs() synchronizes on the same HiveStatement and is
> mutexed out by the long poll for getting results.
> You can escape this on a low-concurrency cluster by changing the
> long.polling.timeout to 0.5s instead of 5s & restarting HS2.
> However as the total # of concurrent queries goes up, the current setting
> does very well due to the reduction in total # of "Nope, come back" http
> noise (largest parallel workload I've seen is about ~3000 queries on 10
> HS2 nodes load-balanced).
> Cheers,
> Gopal

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