Hi All,

We have a use case where we need to return output in < 10 sec. We have
evaluated different set of tool for execution and they work find but they
do not cover all cases as well as they are not reliable(since they are in
evolving phase). But Hive works well in this context.

Using Hive LLAP, we have reduced query time to 6-7sec. But query launching
takes ~12-15 sec due to which response time becomes 18-21 sec.

Is there any way we can reduce this launching time?

Please note that we have tried prewarm containers but when we are launching
query from hive client then it is not picking containers from already
initialized containers rather it launches its own.

Please let me know how can we overcome this issue since this is the only
problem which is stopping us from using Hive. Any links/description is
really appreciated.

Anup Tiwari

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