Hello Support,  currently I have created the following AVRO Hive table which 
works fine.  CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE blahblah.blublub
('avro.schema.url‘=‚/.../schema/blublub.avsc')  As you can see I need to use 
the schema 'avro.schema.url' property which points to the AVRO schema 
blublub.avsc. This blublub.avsc I simply extract from the AVRO files.   How is 
it possible to work without 'avro.schema.url' and directly use the Avro scheme 
which is actually already delivered within Avro itself (that the strength from 
Avro) ? I want to have all columns that are included in the Avro specification, 
but without having them in the create statement.  Br,  Dennis

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