Hi Val,

Thanks again for the response!

I guess the SpiQuery can help me part of the way potentially, but it
doesn't give me the control to manage internal memory structure,
replication, custom persistence etc.

The Hazelcast API I am referring to is described in chapter 24 of the
Hazelcast Manual (Extending Hazelcast - User Defined Services). This
API was added when they released Hazelcast 3.0. As part of this
release, they also rewrote all their internal data structures (e.g.
Map, Queue etc) to use this same API so that you can write a service
that can do anything their internal data structures can do.


On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 4:54 PM, vkulichenko [via Apache Ignite Users]
<ml-node+s70518n2992...@n6.nabble.com> wrote:
> Hi Gareth,
> First of all, Ignite provides IndexingSpi interface [1] that you can
> implement to support custom query language and custom indexing
> implementation. The SPI will be used when a special type of query, SpiQuery
> [2], is executed. Is this something that can help you? Let us know if you
> have follow up questions.
> Also it's not completely clear which Hazelcast APIs you are referring to.
> Since you mentioned partitions, it looks like you're using caches. Is there
> something on the cache API that is provided by Hazelcast, but not Ignite?
> Internally Ignite cache does not follow thread-per-partition model, but this
> is just an implementation detail. We use other mechanisms to ensure data
> consistency, and I am not sure I understand your concern here. Am I missing
> something?
> [1]
> https://ignite.apache.org/releases/1.5.0.final/javadoc/org/apache/ignite/spi/indexing/IndexingSpi.html
> [2]
> https://ignite.apache.org/releases/1.5.0.final/javadoc/org/apache/ignite/cache/query/SpiQuery.html
> -Val
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